king's cross

GIVEAWAY: Tim Keller | King's Cross


I've been given the chance, thanks to the fine folks at Dutton Books (@DuttonBooks) to GIVEAWAY TWO COPIES of Dr. Timothy Keller's newest book, King's Cross: The Story of the World in the Life of Jesus (Kindle | audio). It will be released on February 22nd. This is also the first book to have the Redeemer imprint, for books about faith and ministry in global culture. Pretty exciting stuff at full price, but you get the chance to WIN A FREE COPY!

Here's how it works...

STEP 1: Copy & share the following without the quote marks on Twitter (if you aren't on Twitter, use Facebook, or do BOTH!): "Want a FREE copy of King's Cross by Tim Keller? RT this & comment at Reformissionary to enter! "

STEP 2: Leave a comment below (so I can verify you did step 1). Include your full name and real email address (kept private) so I can contact the winners. For fun, guess the number of books (from my library) sitting on my desk right now. It's between 1-100.

I will randomly choose 2 winners in the late afternoon/early evening on Friday (18th).

GO! (And check out my page filled with other Tim Keller Resources)