Evg'08: Total Church Quotes

Total_churchp56 - "Evangelism is best done out of the context of a gospel community whose corporate life demonstrates the reality of the word that gave her life."

"People need to encounter the church as a network of relationships rather than a meeting you attend or a place you enter.  Mission must involve not only contact between unbelievers and individual Christians, but between unbelievers and the Christian community."

p61 - "Most gospel ministry involves ordinary people doing ordinary things with gospel intentionality."

p74 - "...we are failing to reach the working class with the gospel.  Evangelicalism has become a largely middle-class, professional phenomenon.  When we invite people to our dinners and our churches, we invite our friends, our relatives and our rich neighbors. We do not invite the poor, the crippled, the blind and the lame.  What is at stake is the grace of God."

p76 - "Social action without proclamation is like a signpost to nowhere."

"...evangelism cannot be separated from social action because mission takes place through relationships and relationships are multi-faceted."