Thirteen on Thursday

I dunno, I thought it would be fun to put up 13 things worth looking into on this cold and rainy Thursday in Chicagoland.  This is going to be pretty random, but I expect most of you will find a gem in there somewhere.  In no particular order but numbered for your counting pleasure...

1. Dwight Schrute Video (via Marko): "selling paper, fighting evil."  A hilarious, Schrutastic 2 minutes of pure Office-alicious enjoyment.  Please use this opportunity to stay in touch with your inner Schrute, who "has the strength of a grown man AND a little baby."

2. Tim Keller Quotes: thanks to Charlie.  Here's one...

If you speak and discourse as if your whole neighborhood is present eventually more and more of your neighborhood will find their way in or be invited. Why? Most Christians, even when they are very edified in church, know intuitively that their non-Christian friends would not appreciate the service. What you want is for a Christian to come to your church and say, "Oh! I wish my non-Christian friend could see (or hear) this!" If this is forgotten, soon even a growing church will be filled with Christians who commute in from various towns and communities far and wide rather than filling up with Christians and seekers from your church's immediate neighborhood.

3. Gary Rohrmayer says to look for a "Man of Peace."

Here are a few things to look for: 1)  They are not just open to the gospel but they receive the gospel freely.  2) They are in a position of great influence over their family, friends and within the community.  3) They have the ability to introduce church planters into their sphere of influence effectively.  4) They are also great "bringers and includers" of others into the life of the church.

4. Dictionary Tooltip for Firefox.  Love this extension.

5. Joe Thorn shamed me to switch my feed reading to Google Reader.  Great recommendation.  I've added a daily updated list on my left sidebar that shows what I liked from my feeds.

6. Convert your docs to PDF documents.  "Very nice!  How much?"  Free.

7. After hearing Shane Claiborne on the Catalyst podcast, I was intrigued.  Get it.  Check out The Simple Way.

8. Ed Stetzer has some stats on the survivability of church plants.

9. Check out John Piper's Don't Waste Your Life video podcast.  (via KC)

10. Have you seen the new Challies-ified Monergism site?  Looks great, and of course it contains great content.

11. You may want to check out the Internet Monk's conversations with another blogger about Southern Baptist identity (you will need to scroll to find all of them).  Some helpful stuff by iMonk.  The other guy?  Not so much.

12. We are just starting to use Fighter Verses for family Scripture memorization.  You can subscribe to the podcast which also contains audio of the verses. 

13. Saving the best for last, this is without question the greatest photo in Joe Thorn's portfolio...
