Lots-o-Links 12.16.08

Brief Molly Update: We are going to Molly's neurologist today. He will hear that the medications are not working so far.  Then we will hear whether Molly's EEG shows us anything worth knowing.  And all of this is contingent upon the weather not being so bad that we can't go since it's in Crystal Lake and a snow storm is coming.

Jonathan Dodson: Four Church Planting Manuals Reviewed

The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary now offers a PhD in having a quiet time

David Allen has a new book, Making It All Work: Winning at the Game of Work and Business of Life

This 9Marks video is kinda funny.  "It's calligraphy. I can't even read it."

Stephen King lists his 10 best movies of the year

Keller and Powlison: Pastor's Self-Evaluation Questionnaire

John Frame: Christ and Culture audio

Trevin Wax wants you to have some good books...for free

Very excited about Jerram Barrs' newest book coming in May of '09: Learning Evangelism from Jesus