
The Best Wallet I've Owned | Cinch


I've been using the Cinch wallet for a few months now, and it's easily the best wallet I've owned.

There are three different options, two wood and one steel. I have the darker wood wallet. I figured I'd like the steel backbone better as it's thinner, but I think I'd rather choose a wood one because I can keep it in the same front pocket with my phone and don't have to worry about the wood scratching the screen. Love that aspect.

I keep credit cards, licence, insurance card, money, etc in my Cinch and I almost forget it's in my pocket. I highly recommend it. From the website...

Are you looking to trade in that overly stuffed and morbidly obese pain in the back wallet for an easy everyday carry? For all you minimalist lovers who believe less is more, we have the remedy! Birth out of a need (good-bye money clips, broccoli rubber bands and bulky wallets) we are proud to introduce you to CINCH; an American crafted, industrial style, minimalist wallet that simplifies your life and your pockets. Let the battle against the bulge begin! 

The Gettys | New Song at TGC11

Keith and Kristyn Getty's band played a new song (that hasn't been recorded as far as I know) at The Gospel Coalition. It's "a hymn about money" that's "set to the story of the rich young man." My buddy took the video and sent it to me so I could share it with my Music Monday friends. Enjoy!

And when I cling to what I have
Please wrest it quickly from my grasp
I'd rather lose the things of earth
To gain the things of heaven