Molly on the Mend 7.18.07

We've been home for two days now and Molly is improving quite a bit.  She has been up and around all day today, rarely taking a rest, and often itching to get up and be with the family.  My brother and his family watched our kids for 6 days and brought them home yesterday.  Great to see them and hug their neck (sorry, spent some time in the south).  Mostly I'm just really encouraged today by Molly's progress.  She has still had some head/neck pain, but nothing unexpected.  I can take off the top dressing tomorrow and she can wash her hair for the first time in a week.  She is looking forward to that!

A few of Molly's church friends came over for a visit this afternoon.  She enjoyed the visit and let me leave the house for a bit to work. 

We have been very blessed as our church members have planned many dinners for us beginning tomorrow.  I think they have them planned for a couple of weeks.  Nice.  And how cool is this, someone out of the country sent us $100 to buy the kids something after they got home.  So many good things out of a bad situation.

I'll try to keep you all in the loop, and thanks for praying.