Keller vs. Piper

D.J. Chuang puts his life in danger when he posts "Why I Like Keller More Than Piper."  Okay, not really.  It has little to do with comparing the two.  But it's a good post on the reasons why D.J. (I think he speaks for many) likes Keller a lot.  Here's his points, but please read his whole post for his quotes and explanations.

  1. He is unassuming.
  2. He graciously preaches the Gospel clearly and compellingly.
  3. His preaching is accessible and edifying to both non-Christians and Christians.
  4. He allows us to see that the writers of the past and present are both relevant to life and faith today.
  5. He is authoritative without being authoritarian.
  6. He believes that doctrines are important and actually shows how it matters.
  7. He is fair and honest.
  8. His passion for the cities of the world reflects the City of God.
  9. He is respectful of other’s convictions, preferences, and callings.
  10. He encourages people to think out the implications of their faith.
  11. He speaks to the heart of the matter.
  12. He deconstructs and reconstructs.
  13. He teaches the Bible in a refreshing culturally engaging way.
  14. He reads and comments on blogs.