SBC 2006: Monday-Tuesday

Shofar_gboro_header_5Monday was a heck of a day.  Final day of the Pastor's Conference and day of the Younger Leaders/Missional Network meeting.

Rather than regurgitating the day, let me interact with some good stuff that happened.

Some good conversation with many several bloggers and pastors on Monday.  I can't list all of them, though I will talk about their blogs and links from time to time (like this one).  Good stuff.  Also met with friends: Tim Ellsworth, Scott Lamb, Jason Gray, Spencer Nix, and one of the first people I ever met after moving to Denver years ago, Duane Arledge.  I'm sure I've left people out.

You know, I've had some who have talked to me about blogging and questioned whether blogging is a fad or whether blogs will last.  All I know for sure is that the connections (networking) that have resulted from blogging are significant.  I'm blessed to know a bunch of great young and not so young guys.

The morning on Monday was full of seminars (all were standing room only as best I could tell).  I only attended the Mohler-Patterson talk on election, which was more a talk on Calvinism and Calvinism caricatures than election.  And it was really was more debate-ish than I expected.  Mohler, after emergency eye surgery was stellar.  Seriously, he was fantastic.  Patterson started with all too common criticisms (and some less helpful ones), and Mohler responded with Gospel and Gospel again.  Brilliant, winsome.


Afternoon, Erwin McManus and Nelson Searcy were both great.  Exactly what I needed.  Reminded me of the powerful work of God in difficult areas.  Joe Thorn and I both were not only impressed, but very encouraged for our own contexts.  Simple, direct, convicting stuff.  I met Nelson back when in seminary (he came and spoke to our class when he was in planting mode).  Was great to hear him preach and meet him again briefly.  If I buy any CD's here, it will be these two.

Shane Speaks

By the way, Shane and Shane were here and they were amazing.  I've loved their music for some time, but live was incredible. 

Monday night Joe and I spend some time with other bloggers and that was good.  Sharing stories and learning new things.  Answering a few good questions too.  And to answer everyone's most asked question, no, Joe is not Tele Savalas' 'mini-me.'

We also had some time to talk with Greg Thornbury (Union University Dean), Ray Van Neste (Union University Prof), Greg Wills (SBTS Church History Prof), Tom Nettles (SBTS Church History Prof), and the incomparable Mark Devine of Midwestern.  Mark was a great guy to meet (I'm just starting into his Bonhoeffer book).  A passionate guy with a deep love for theology and the Church. 

Then we hit the Younger Leaders meeting which was basically a gospel-centered meeting from Ed Stetzer who is promoting the NAMB Missional Network.  We were able to meet some great guys at the meeting, some we knew by name only before Monday.

Tuesday, tons of motions and discussion and laughter.  Also serious stuff about Wade Burleson.  He handled himself with much grace and eloquence.  For details, see the 74 other bloggers. :)  Mark Dever almost made First VP, but almost didn't cut it.  Too bad I think.  Speaking of Dever, Joe and I were able to talk with him for a while on Monday about several things.  It was hard to find time to talk with his 17 interns and associates around.  Man, I wish I had that problem.  If you haven't checked out his 9Marks ministry yet, it's a very helpful place.

Lunch with Todd and Paul Littleton and their wives, as well a pastor in LA named Steve Somethingerother.  Steve, if you stop by, remind me of your last name.  Too many Steves around, not that there's anything wrong with that.

You know what, a bunch of other stuff happened too.  I wish I could do so much more for my readers.  But we came to network and we are in a big way.  It's been the best convention in terms of what it's doing for me and my ministry.  I miss my family.  Sheesh.  It's honkin' late and I'm tired.  Nighty nite.  Pictures of the SBC stuff here.