john newton

Smile at the Storm

Though dark be my way, since He be my Guide,
'Tis mine to obey, tis His to provide
By prayer let me wrestle, and He will perform,
With Christ in the vessel I smile at the storm.

John Newton, Olney Hymns, from "Begone Unbelief" as quoted in Timothy Keller's Walking With God Through Pain And Suffering -- also find it as played by Indelible Grace, though the quote is slightly different

Tim Keller & Our Character Flaws

Tim Keller PostPhoto

Tim Keller, through the lens of what he's learned from John Newton, thinks about how we deal with character flaws. 

The final result of all this is that people cannot see their sins because they are looking only at their virtues. ...Christians do not work on the supernatural graces of the spirit that are not natural to us, and that mitigate or eliminate the dark side—the besetting sins—of our nature. 

So how can we be shaken out of our lethargy and awakened to our need to grow? Here are some principles that I have gleaned from Newton’s letters over the years. 

1. Know that your worst character flaws are the ones you can see the least. 

2. Remember that you can’t learn about your biggest flaws just by being told—you must be shown.

3. Be willing to listen to correction and critique from others.

Go and read much more from Tim Keller on this.