Matthew Smith: "I Have Seen The Lord"

Love the new Matthew Smith song, "I Have Seen The Lord," from his new album Watch the Rising Day. You can get the album for a Reformissionary discount, and download it immediately (not released for a couple of weeks yet). Go get Watch The Rising Day and listen to "I Have Seen The Lord" below...

Let worldly minds the world pursue, what are its charms to me?
Once I admired its trifles too, but grace has set me free
Its pleasures now no longer please, no more content afford
Far from my heart be joys like these now I have seen the Lord

As by the light of opening day the stars are all concealed
So earthly pleasures fade away when Jesus is revealed
Creatures no more divide my choice, I bid you all depart
His name and love and gracious Word have fixed my roving heart