Music Monday 12.28.09

Clap-hands  If you are considering downloading any albums right now, I encourage you to go to Amazon and grab them. If you buy one $7.99 or more, you get a free download of a $5 album (there are 800 right now). And it works for multiple purchases (so, buy 3 $7.99 or more and get 3 $5 albums). Here's a selection of some great $5 albums...

Vic Chesnutt died on Christmas day after 2 days in a coma following an apparent drug overdose. He was paralyzed since he was 18. Still he has made some great music. This outstanding song was recorded in November. Be aware: there's a little language at the beginning before the song starts. (buy it)

Lissie's music is great. Her glasses are stupid. Remember the dude who ripped his face off in Poltergeist? Yeah, that's Lissie in those glasses. But, you know, her music is great. (buy it)