Please Pray for Molly

DSC_00362007-06-28As most of you know my wife Molly had brain surgery last summer for Chiari I Malformation, and as I said a few weeks back her symptoms have returned...all but the most serious and difficult.  Well, now ALL her symptoms are back now with the addition of a few others I've mentioned before (jolts & headaches).

Molly has taken quite a turn with increasingly worse symptoms in the last 6 days.  She tried to get on the treadmill and walk today, just take a decently paced walk.  She couldn't.  Her legs and balance just won't work.  She is starting to have difficulty with simple mental tasks and decision making.  The occasional numbness in her hands is growing to regular numbness higher up her arms.  Her jolting is sometimes happening 3-4 times a minute compared to 5-6 times a day just a couple of months ago.  She has needed some assistance walking from time to time.  During the Lord's Supper on Sunday she nearly dropped the cup (the holy shot glass) because her fine motor skills are so degraded.

Because of all this her spirit is crushed.  She's already had one surgery that didn't last a year.  We have no idea if another surgery will help at all, or how long it would help.  While Molly is trusting God in all of this, she is struggling mentally and emotionally to believe that things can get better.  I honestly believe that when we see her surgeon next month we will see the potential for good things.  It's hard for Molly to see that.  And while I am working hard to stay positive, watching her struggle with the simplest of tasks and grow very frustrated is very hard on me.  I want to do something to help her get better, and so far there is nothing to do. My heart is breaking for her.

So, less than a month until an appointment with her surgeon.  We are going to try to get some MRI's done before that if we can find a place that has the right equipment. 

Please pray for Molly if you think of her.