NPM '08: A Few Poetry Sites

Npm_2008_poster_550To continue my National Poetry Month (NPM) kickoff, here are a few general poetry sites worth checking out. 

<> My favorite general poetry site, from the Academy of American Poets.  You want to read poetry on your mobile phone, you say?  Sure, has a mobile site. Also worth noting is their National Poetry Map.  Very helpful resource of finding poets and poetry near you.

<> National Poetry Month at a good primer page that answers questions like What is National Poetry Month?, info for Poem in your Pocket Day (more on that soon), and plenty of other stuff.

<> Poetry Magazine: A handful of good stuff from a key poetry magazine.  Try the very cool "Poetry Tool."

<> Poetry 180: A program geared to develop a love for poetry among high school students by having apoem a day read aloud for the whole school year, hence the 180.  Poetry 180 has been developed by the amazing Billy Collins.  Collins provides a helpful "How to Read a Poem Out Loud article and audio.